Chemistry is a complicated subject. It can be a pain for some students and highly interesting for others. If you are writing a research paper on the subject, then you must be immensely interested in it. You have to be very cautious while writing and revising the assignments for chemistry. A slight mistake in the name of a formula or an acronym can cause your report to get rejected. Once you are done with your experiments and documentation, you need to edit the report thoroughly. Here, I will share some guidelines, which will enhance the quality of your chemistry research paper or report:
Abbreviations: All the names of chemicals, as well as formulae, are in the form of abbreviations. The first time when being mentioned, the name of a chemical must be spelt in full, with the abbreviation in parenthesis. Thereafter, the name or the short form can be used.
Then, there are several reactive procedures that are denoted by abbreviations. Check them carefully; you may have missed an alphabet or a number somewhere.
Singular and plural: make sure that the correct number agreement is used. When using plural form of a chemical or substance, the verb must be used appropriately.
Jargons and nomenclature: the nomenclature used in a chemistry paper may not be known to everybody. For ensuring that readers do not face problems when following the article, provide all definitions and explanations clearly.
Common and confusing words: there are many confusing words, like absorption and adsorption. While the spelling is almost same, the meaning is different. Use of all such words must be done carefully.
Labeling and numbering: you will need to include illustrations for showing chemical structures, explaining experiments, etc. In all cases, the illustrations must be labeled and numbered accurately as per the guidelines. Moreover, reference to them must be present within the text, so that readers know why they are being given.
Meticulously checking your research paper or thesis will enable you to make a better impact on your review committee with a flawless report.